3 Qualities of experience — Enthusiasm, Majestic, & Balance


Enthusiasm is a positive, inner, spiritual quality.

It comes from the Divine, and it comes from within.

It comes from one's true self, one's real self. It comes from our soul.

This is also true of inspiration, which is closely related with enthusiasm.

One's enthusiasm is also related with our will, our striving, our our interests.

Enthusiasm shows us where to go, our direction, our path.

Enthusiasm is the creative spirit within, enthusiastically coming into life,

Yet also needing the rational mind, to be intelligent and practical in the world.

One can be enthusiastic about greater purposes, or important causes.

One can be enthusiastic about learning, or about developing as a person.

One can be enthusiastic about the play of life, this moment and the next.

One can be enthusiastic about this experience of being in the Divine Life.


comes from within, like inspiration,

rising from one's inner core,

from deep within, the soul of oneself.

Enthusiasm, inspiration, creativity,

all come from within, the truth of being.

I listen to the enthusiasm of my soul. And I hear myself.

Enthusiasm is part of the Creative Will aspect,

which comes into life from within, as the spirit of will.

Enthusiasm is also related with joy and delight, game and challenge.

Enthusiasm is also related with one's interests, aspirations, and will-to-serve.


I found it amazing to see the Majestic as the divinity in others and in all life,

and what's special about the Majestic is that it shines through people and places.

The Majestic is the joy-brilliant light of the Divine shining through, and I'm in wonder.

The Majestic is the enthralling brilliance of the Divine, when seen. and I'm amazed by it.

The Majestic is an experience of God immanence, of the divine soul revealed in another.

The Majestic is related with beauty, for beauty is always majestic,

The Majestic is related with love, for love is always majestic,

The Majestic is related with spiritual astonishment and heart warming appreciation.

The Majestic is related with all Qualities of God.

The Majestic opens up, is revealed, when heart and mind awaken to light, love, and beauty.

As I open my awareness to Majestic-experience, this guides me in spiritual living.

Follow the Majestic, bring love to the Majestic, be the Majestic.


is the beauty of life, the wonder in life, the depth in it,

the sparkle of divine spirit, shining through all people and all life.

Majestic is in every person and aspect of life,

and it's majestic because I'm amazed by it,

the light, the beauty, the love wanting to blossom.

I see the majesty, the beauty, the divinity in all life around. And I'm amazed.

Majestic is part of the Creative Beauty aspect.

It's the light emanating from each being,

and also how life, nature, is so amazing

creating joy, wonder, and sacredness.


Balance, as a theme or meditation, becomes valuable in life as a path, a direction.

but balance doesn't come easily; it needs conscious intentional work.

It needs thoughtful rational reflection, meditation, consideration.

It also requires honest fairness, a fair look at any opposing sides,

which then creates a balanced understanding and an ability see the truth.

An essential important balance is between the spiritual and the earthly practical.

Balance needs to enter into one's life, as we balance the many aspects of life,

helped by an honest admittance of one's weaknesses, or areas one is neglecting a bit.

Balance requires consideration of the many aspects of oneself,

and the will to create balance in these, along with an overarching vision or goal.

Balance is known by the intellect, but not by this alone.

Balance is also known from a true feeling, an intuitive sense of balance.


of the two sides, two important ways, walking the middle way,

listening in the debate, considering different viewpoints,

understanding, reconciliation, integration, synthesis,

bringing all together in harmony, in unity, and into balance.

Being balanced in the aspects of life, and in the aspects of myself.

I feel what is balanced, as I weigh all sides fairly and sincerely. I balance.

Balance is being aware of the other sides of things,

other views and perspectives, and respecting all.

Balance is an integration of all the many sides of oneself,

along with balancing all the many aspects of life.